Game of Thrones: The end is nigh … some thoughts (MAJOR SPOILERS)

On April 14, 2019, the first episode of the final season of Game of Thrones will premiere.

First, let me tell you a little about my relationship with Game of Thrones. I started watching it on the premiere date of April 17, 2011. Being a huge fan of the fantasy genre, I dove into the series right away. Loved it. Except for one thing: Joffrey. I did not just dislike him, as you are supposed to dislike this type of villain. I hated him so much as a character, that I got through almost 2 seasons of the show, and gave up.

My opinion regarding Joffrey: I love a good villain. Sometimes villains are more compelling than the rest of the characters. When done right, you hate a villain, but you also understand a small part of what they are doing or you see some redeeming qualities in them. Joffrey had none of this. He was just bad for the sake of being bad. This is so frustrating and boring for me. It was frustrating to the point that I could not handle the stress of not being able to slap him (or something worse), so I stopped watching. Once that character was dead, I went back, re-watched up to that point and never looked back.

In January of this year, I decided to re-watch the entire series to prepare for the final season. So much I had forgotten came back to me (The Hound and the Mountain are brothers – something I had totally blocked from my mind for some reason). While re-watching, the following points stood out for me:

  • No other series in history has surpassed this show in terms of quality (cinematography, costuming, scenery).
  • Favourite villain: for me, it is a race between Cersei Lannister and Ramsay Bolton. The edge has to go to Cersei. She is the epitome of a well-written villain. Her love for her family is unparalleled. You understand why she is so messed up, given the family she grew up with and the husband she was forced to marry. And right or wrong, she has been denied the ability to publicly be with the man she loves – granted he is also her brother, but it’s Game of Thrones so let’s not quibble about incest.
  • Favourite scene + music: The Light of Seven – about 10 minutes of minimal dialogue accompanied by one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard. The scene is shocking and beautiful.
  • Most shocking scene: Jon Snow being murdered. I remember thinking that they would never kill off Jon, but then remembered it was GoT and everyone was on the chopping block and disposable. It was truly a long and stressful wait to the next season.
  • Favourite relationship: Dany and Tyrion – we waited so many seasons for these 2 to be on screen together and it has not disappointed at all. Tyrion has been preparing his whole life to counsel Dany and she has been looking for someone to prepare her to take the throne. It is a match made in heaven – they respect each other, they listen to each other and there is a connection and a friendship that is just perfect.
  • Favourite character of the series: without a doubt, like so many other people have declared, Tyrion Lannister is my favourite of the series. Actually, he is one of my favourite characters of any series, of all time. He is loyal, smart, witty, resourceful, strong, funny. I could go on and on. His amazing traits are unending and if there is one character on the show that I hope makes it to the end, it is him. Peter Dinklage is one of the best actors around today.

The super interesting part of my re-watch has been realizing that Varys has really been controlling the whole thing from the beginning. He has been in everyone’s ears and pushing the right people towards the direction he wants from the beginning. The genius of the show is making a background character … someone who does not draw a lot of attention … someone who sits quietly in the back and listens … making that character the one running the whole damn thing. Reminds me of the fools in Shakespeare plays – the funny, silly character that no one takes seriously … they are always the ones running people’s lives and making things worse or better.

No one knows who will take the throne in the end. With the white walker war coming and the battle to end all battles on the horizon, will there even be a throne to take?

Of course I have my preference (i.e Dany) but I have to say, it does not really matter. We have all been a part of something so amazing, taking this ride with the most beautiful and epic series on television.  This show will remain in our collective consciousness forever. It has now become a part of our daily discussion/lives and soon it will become a part of history.

I bought my Game of Thrones chardonnay 2 years ago and have had in my fridge, unopened, ever since. It is ready to be opened and ready to take me through to the end. I have a feeling I might have to keep most of it for the last episode.

What a time to be alive.